Five votes for this Friday, six for later. Polls seem to make ye ole commish's job worse, not better.
The league slow draft will commence at 6 PM on Friday, February 12th.
As in years past, anyone who desires to make a pick when their turn comes up is free to do so, starting NOW, and without time limits. However, the official draft starts as aforesaid, and the manager next up at 6 PM that Friday will be the first to start the clock.
Questions? Call me at 334-207-3040
Bama bullz (pick 5) and Squashers (pick 1) agree to trade draft slots throughout the draft
Both managers must post for the switch to be made.
Breaking news.... BamaBullz and Squashers agree to trade of draft picks.. my #5 for his #1... Buster Olney reporting the trade is straight up and includes no further incentives...
You made it to the front of the line, BamaB, now make a selection already!