For the Love of the Game Fantasy Baseball League

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2/15/2021 6:42 pm  #1

Where is Texas Soldiers?

Where is he?  Does it seem to anyone else besides me that this year's draft is getting off to an incredibly slow start?

First there was Organized Chaos.  Then came Bamabullz.  Now Texas Soldiers. I know we have 12 hours, but hey, that is for working people!  With covid nobody works anymore! Right?

We should be halfway done with this draft by now.  I'm gonna talk to the commish.  I'm indignified about the entire sitiation.

There!  I feel better already!!!!


2/19/2021 9:34 am  #2

Re: Where is Texas Soldiers?

Well lets see where I was...

Sunday night the rolling blackouts blew out the circuit board to our heat. By morning the house was in the 40s. Then the power went out for good. So I drove over icy roads to get my kids to their Nana's house (she never lost heat, water or electric thank God). Me and my wife then proceeded to the store and bought more dry goods just incase. I went home and built a fire. We had to turn off the water because the water treatment plant went down and the water was undrinkable. So then I went into survival mode. We gathered all the burnable things we could. At one point our house had gotten down to 32! I scavenged the neighborhoods and found a down tree that had been dragged to the curb. I cut it up. Took a bit of time but I got it done in 12 degree temps, windshield making it neg 3. Then I went back into my neighborhood and another neighbor had extra firewood. We all pooled our resources so everyone had firewood and water. Our water may not be drinkable till Wednesday. We cooked over our fireplace, melted and boiled snow to clean up and flush the toilet. I got up every hour or so to tend the fire. We got in my truck to warm up more and charge our phones but rarely had internet on our phones. We sealed the upstairs off because the fireplace is downstairs. We slept in front of that fire. We could mainly keep the house around 45 to 48 degrees. It was rough but we tried to pretend we were camping and it was a second honeymoon. ;-)
That is where I was. 

The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be!

2/19/2021 9:48 am  #3

Re: Where is Texas Soldiers?

Wow, glad you were able to get your kids somewhere warm but that sounds terrible.  This draft isn’t important after hearing how bad it is down there.  Good luck with slowly getting things back to normal


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